Sponsor a Student (BECAS)

On a mission trip in 2012, a group of American high school seniors met Moises, a Mexican high school senior while they were helping build a new dining hall for the Mayan Children’s Village.  They were so impressed with Moises’ story–coming to the Children’s Village from a peasant farming family and working hard for six years to graduate from high school.  They decided to sponsor him to continue his education, moving to the Merida Student House to attend college.  Grassroots efforts like these teenagers’ have inspired us to start a more formal sponsorship program so that more people can get personally involved in supporting Acción’s student homes.

Building Educational Chances through American Sponsors (BECAS) is Acción’s sponsorship program. In Spanish “beca” means “scholarship.” BECAS helps you make a difference in the life of a child!  BECAS is a way to provide a scholarship for one of the students that Acción supports in our Mayan Children’s Village or Merida Student Houses.

The full cost of hosting a child at our educational homes has gone up in recent years to where in 2023 it costs about $200 per month to fully fund all costs to provide a home for a student in college or high school. Funds cover room and board, leadership staff, and utilities including important internet access. Room includes rent and/or routine maintenance and board includes all meals. (For comparison, room and board at U.S. universities costs over $1,000 per month.) You can sponsor a student in Mexico with these suggested monthly levels or the equivalent amount at any frequency.

  • $50 per month — week per month sponsor patron
  • $100 per month — full semester sponsor champion
  • $150 per month — annual support hero
  • $200 per month — complete annual support superstar

Children who live in housing provided by Acción are given the chance to get an education that they would otherwise never be able to receive. This is a transformative experience that will benefit them and their families for the rest of their lives. One child at a time, Acción Ministries is breaking the cycle of poverty for Mayan Mexicans. Sponsors are welcome to learn name(s) and some info about our college students but Accion has decided to keep high school and middle school info confidential for privacy and safety reasons.

Please join us in this effort by sponsoring a child. Request more information or ask to sign-up by email to friendsofaccion@gmail.com.